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Transition for Year 2 to Year 3

Already in place

New for 2024

We have added additional transition experiences for the children, to ensure their move into Year 3 is as positive as possible...

  • We are doing an art bridging project. This means at the end of the Summer term we will be starting an art project and the children will be completeing it when they move into Year 3. So when they start in Year 3, they will be able to bring something from Wescott to Westende which they will continue to work on.
  • We have an additional transition afternoon on Monday 17th June. The children will go to Year 3 for the afternoon and their current Year 2 teachers will teach them a lesson, they will then have a break time and a story with the Year 3 teachers. They will not know their teacher at this point.
  • On their transition day on Wedneday 26th June, the children are going to be buddied up with a Year 3 child. This means they will have another familiar face when they join in September.
  • We will be sending the writing books up with the Year 2 children, to Year 3, this will give the teachers a really good indication of where the children are academically and therefore enable them to teach to the children's needs straight away.
  • The children will write a letter to their new teacher, telling them a little bit about themselves and then ask them some questions.
  • On Sports Day we will have Year 5 sports leaders supporting us.
  • From October we will be having joint open mornings with Westende.
  • There will be additional transition times at Westende for nurture groups, this will give the opportunity to just walk around the school to get to know the building and outdoor area.
  • Wave Rangers project for a group of Year 2 pupils.
  • Social stories can be made if they are needed to support children.
  • We will continue to work closely with the Senior Leadership Team at Westende to continue developing our transition package. 
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