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We have high expectations for all our children; encouraging them to ‘have a go’, be brave, take risks in their learning, reach for the stars and believe ‘Anything’s Possible’. We encourage our children to explore, investigate, discover and question the world around them.
We believe every child at Wescott should continually aspire to further develop and extend their learning as well as become happy, confident, independent and resilient learners. We encourage all children to develop a love of learning and take an active and lead role in their own learning and progression.
At Wescott we recognise the importance of personalising learning to ensure we meet the needs of all children. We recognise that children learn in different ways and at different times and plan for this accordingly. We create learning experiences which bring together all the areas of the curriculum and present these in topics which are designed in partnership with the children, which are fun, exciting, relevant and engaging.
Mrs Stephanie Holding
Wescott Infant School
Goodchild Road
RG40 2EN
Telephone: 01189 786313
Contact: Mrs S Holding (Headteacher) or Mrs N Chug (School Administrator) at: admin@wescott.wokingham.sch.uk
Contact: Mr S Cutler (Chair of Local Advisors) at: scutler@thecircletrust.co.uk
For Special Educational Needs (SEN) queries contact the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) Mrs Holding senco@wescott.wokingham.sch.uk
Wescott Infant School is an academy and part of The Circle Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 11031096) whose registered office is The Oval Offices, C/O, St Crispin’s School, London Road, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 1SS. Tel: 0118 3381961 www.thecircletrust.co.uk
If you would like any paper copies for any of the materials on the website, then please contact the school office on admin@wescott.wokingham.sch.uk or on 0118 9786313