Welcome to the Local Advisory Board of the Wescott Infant School.
Wescott Infant School converted to an academy on 1 July 2020 and is part of The Circle Trust
Like all schools within the Trust, Wescott Infant School has its own dedicated Local Advisory Board which is delegated certain governance responsibilities by the Trust Board. These responsibilities are set out in The Circle Trust Scheme of Delegation which is published on the Trust's website alongside information on the Trust as a whole. https://thecircletrust.co.uk/our-governance/
Our Local Advisors, are here to help and hope to meet with some of you over the coming year.
You can contact any member of the Local Advisory Board via the Governance Officer by emailing: wescottgovernanceofficer@thecircletrust.co.uk or by contacting the School Office on 0118 978 6313

The current Chair of the Local Advisory Board is Dr Simon Cutler. If you have any questions or comments, please do get in touch by emailing: scutler@thecircletrust.co.uk