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At Wescott Infant School we believe that a high-quality Physical education curriculum should inspire all pupils to create a positive relationship with physical activity for life. We provide a safe and stimulating environment so that children can achieve this holistically, developing a wide range of personal, social, physical, health & fitness, cognitive and creative skills. Wescott Infant School aims to provide opportunities to educate and inspire pupils to become physically active, thus inspiring an active generation who:

  • Foster a love of physical activity and understand the importance of a healthy active lifestyle.
  • Adopt a positive mind-set and believe anything can be achieved with determination and resilience.
  • Express themselves and an opportunity to be creative.
  • Embed values: Confidence, resilience, communication, co-operation and collaboration.
  • Develop physical literacy: Physical, Psychological, Social and Cognitive.

All pupils are encouraged to ‘have a go’ in PE, thus further developing the school’s ethos of a 'Growth Mindset' approach

At Wescott Infant School, all pupils receive two hours of PE per week using either the outside space or the school hall. All children have a PE session per week with an independent sport coach, who focuses on developing fundamental skills, through a variety of activities and games suitable for each year group. All children have a second PE session per week taught by their class teacher, following the ‘real PE’ approach. The approach is unique and child centred, designed to challenge and support each individual. It is carefully sequenced to ensure progression of knowledge and skills, by enabling children to build upon their prior knowledge and experiences and apply these fluently.  Therefore, developing the key abilities children need to be successful within PE and Sport as well as across the wider curriculum.

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Pupils also have the opportunity to further these skills at extra-curricular clubs, including: gymnastics, dance, mulit-skills, football and tennis.

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